Register an IPA as a Derivative in React

This section demonstrates how to register an IP Asset as a derivative of another. There are generally three methods of registering an IPA remix:

  1. Link an existing IPA as a derivative of a "parent" IPA using a License Token.
  2. Link an existing IPA as a derivative of a "parent" IPA directly.
  3. Register an IPA and link it as a derivative of a "parent" IPA directly.


  • React SDK Setup
  • The "parent" IPA must be registered.
  • The "child" IPA must be registered.

Register Derivative using License Token

Additional Prerequisites

  • An already minted License Token from the "parent" IPA. Learn how to mint a License Token here.

If you already have a License Token, it is easier to register a derivative this way. We can register a child IPA as a derivative of a parent IPA by calling client.ipAsset.registerDerivativeWithLicenseTokens() like so:

import { useIpAsset } from "@story-protocol/react-sdk";

export default async function RegisterDerivativeIPA() {
  const { registerDerivativeWithLicenseTokens } = useIpAsset();
  const response = await registerDerivativeWithLicenseTokens({
    childIpId: "0xC92EC2f4c86458AFee7DD9EB5d8c57920BfCD0Ba",
    licenseTokenIds: ["5"], // array of license ids relevant to the creation of the derivative, minted from the parent IPA
    txOptions: { waitForTransaction: true }

  console.log(`Derivative IPA linked to parent at transaction hash ${response.txHash}`)
  return (
    {/* */} 
export type RegisterDerivativeWithLicenseTokensRequest = {
  childIpId: Address;
  licenseTokenIds: string[] | bigint[] | number[];
  txOptions?: TxOptions;
export type RegisterDerivativeWithLicenseTokensResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;

Register Derivative Directly

You can also register a derivative directly, without needing a License Token. There is no real difference between registerDerivativeWithLicenseTokens (above) and registerDerivative (below) except that the former requires an already minted License Token and the latter is a convenient function that handles it for you.

"Why would I ever use a License Token then?"

There are a few times when you would need a License Token to register a derivative:

  • The License Token contains private license terms, so you would only be able to register if you had the License Token that was manually minted by the owner. More on that here.
  • The License Token (which is an NFT) costs a mintingFee to mint, and you were able to buy it on a marketplace for a cheaper price. Then it makes more sense to simply register with the License Token then have to pay the more expensive mintingFee.


Quick Note

Remember that once License Terms are attached to an IP Asset, it becomes public to register a derivative with those terms, which is why you don't necessarily need a License Token first. Read more on that here.

import { useIpAsset } from "@story-protocol/react-sdk";

export default async function RegisterDerivativeIPA() {
  const { registerDerivative } = useIpAsset();
  const response = await registerDerivative({
    childIpId: "0xC92EC2f4c86458AFee7DD9EB5d8c57920BfCD0Ba",
    parentIpIds: ["0xC92EC2f4c86458AFee7DD9EB5d8c57920BfCD0Ba"],
    licenseTermsIds: ["5"],
    txOptions: { waitForTransaction: true }

  console.log(`Derivative IPA linked to parent at transaction hash ${response.txHash}`)
  return (
    {/* */} 
export type RegisterDerivativeRequest = {
  childIpId: Address;
  parentIpIds: Address[];
  licenseTermsIds: string[] | bigint[] | number[];
  licenseTemplate?: Address;
  txOptions?: TxOptions;
export type RegisterDerivativeResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  childIpId?: Address;

Register and Make Derivative

To register an IP Asset and link it as a derivative of another IP Asset all in one transaction, you can use the registerDerivativeIp function provided by the SPG here.