Register an NFT as an IP Asset
Let's see how we can perform a barebones registration using the IP Asset Registry. To do this, we will create a forge test that forks the Story chain and interacts with our contracts directly so you can see exactly how it's done.
- Understand what an 𧩠IP Asset is and how they get registered using the IP Asset Registry.
Register an IP Asset
Create a new file under ./test/0_IPARegistrar.t.sol
and paste the following:
Contract Addresses
We have filled in the addresses from the Story contracts for you. However you can also find the addresses for them here: Deployed Smart Contracts
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { IPAssetRegistry } from "@storyprotocol/core/registries/IPAssetRegistry.sol";
import { ISPGNFT } from "@storyprotocol/periphery/interfaces/ISPGNFT.sol";
import { RegistrationWorkflows } from "@storyprotocol/periphery/workflows/RegistrationWorkflows.sol";
import { WorkflowStructs } from "@storyprotocol/periphery/lib/WorkflowStructs.sol";
import { SimpleNFT } from "../src/mocks/SimpleNFT.sol";
// Run this test:
// forge test --fork-url --match-path test/0_IPARegistrar.t.sol
contract IPARegistrarTest is Test {
address internal alice = address(0xa11ce);
// For addresses, see
// Protocol Core - IPAssetRegistry
IPAssetRegistry public immutable IP_ASSET_REGISTRY = IPAssetRegistry(0x28E59E91C0467e89fd0f0438D47Ca839cDfEc095);
// Protocol Periphery - RegistrationWorkflows
RegistrationWorkflows public immutable REGISTRATION_WORKFLOWS =
SimpleNFT public SIMPLE_NFT;
function setUp() public {
// Create a new Simple NFT collection
SIMPLE_NFT = new SimpleNFT("Simple IP NFT", "SIM");
// Create a new NFT collection via SPG
name: "Test Collection",
symbol: "TEST",
baseURI: "",
contractURI: "",
maxSupply: 100,
mintFee: 0,
mintFeeToken: address(0),
mintFeeRecipient: address(this),
owner: address(this),
mintOpen: true,
isPublicMinting: false
/// @notice Mint an NFT and then register it as an IP Asset.
function test_register() public {
uint256 expectedTokenId = SIMPLE_NFT.nextTokenId();
address expectedIpId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.ipId(block.chainid, address(SIMPLE_NFT), expectedTokenId);
uint256 tokenId =;
address ipId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.register(block.chainid, address(SIMPLE_NFT), tokenId);
assertEq(tokenId, expectedTokenId);
assertEq(ipId, expectedIpId);
assertEq(SIMPLE_NFT.ownerOf(tokenId), alice);
/// @notice Mint an NFT and register it in the same call via the Story Protocol Gateway.
/// @dev Requires the collection address that is passed into the `mintAndRegisterIp` function
/// to be created via SPG (createCollection), as done above. Or, a contract that
/// implements the `ISPGNFT` interface.
function test_mintAndRegisterIp() public {
uint256 expectedTokenId = SPG_NFT.totalSupply() + 1;
address expectedIpId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.ipId(block.chainid, address(SPG_NFT), expectedTokenId);
// Note: The caller of this function must be the owner of the SPG NFT Collection.
// In this case, the owner of the SPG NFT Collection is the contract itself
// because it deployed it in the `setup` function.
// We can make `alice` the recipient of the NFT though, which makes her the
// owner of not only the NFT, but therefore the IP Asset.
(address ipId, uint256 tokenId) = REGISTRATION_WORKFLOWS.mintAndRegisterIp(
ipMetadataURI: "",
ipMetadataHash: keccak256(
"{'title':'My IP Asset','description':'This is a test IP asset','ipType':'','relationships':[],'createdAt':'','watermarkImg':'','creators':[],'media':[],'attributes':[{'key':'Rarity','value':'Legendary'}],'tags':[]}"
nftMetadataURI: "",
nftMetadataHash: keccak256(
"{'name':'Test NFT','description':'This is a test NFT','image':''}"
assertEq(ipId, expectedIpId);
assertEq(tokenId, expectedTokenId);
assertEq(SPG_NFT.ownerOf(tokenId), alice);
Create another new file under ./src/mocks/SimpleNFT.sol
and paste the following:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
import { Ownable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import { ERC721 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
contract SimpleNFT is ERC721, Ownable {
uint256 public nextTokenId;
constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) ERC721(name, symbol) Ownable(msg.sender) {}
function mint(address to) public onlyOwner returns (uint256) {
uint256 tokenId = nextTokenId++;
_mint(to, tokenId);
return tokenId;
Run forge build
. If everything is successful, the command should successfully compile.
To test this out, simply run the following command:
forge test --fork-url --match-path test/0_IPARegistrar.t.sol
Updated about 1 month ago