


  • setPermission
  • createSetPermissionSignature
  • setAllPermissions
  • setBatchPermissions
  • createBatchPermissionSignature


Sets the permission for a specific function call.

Each policy is represented as a mapping from an IP account address to a signer address to a recipient
address to a function selector to a permission level. The permission level can be 0 (ABSTAIN), 1 (ALLOW), or
2 (DENY).

By default, all policies are set to 0 (ABSTAIN), which means that the permission is not set. The owner of IP Account by default has all permission.

setPermission(request: SetPermissionsRequest) => Promise<SetPermissionsResponse>


  • request.ipId: The IP ID that grants the permission for signer.
  • request.signer: The address that can call to on behalf of the ipAccount.
  • The address that can be called by the signer (currently only modules can be to)
  • request.permission: The new permission level.
  • request.func: [Optional] The function selector string of to that can be called by the signer on behalf of the ipAccount. By default, it allows all functions.
  • request.txOptions: [Optional] The transaction options.
export type SetPermissionsResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  success?: boolean;


Specific permission overrides wildcard permission with signature.

createSetPermissionSignature(request: CreateSetPermissionSignatureRequest) => Promise<SetPermissionsResponse>


  • request.ipId: The IP ID that grants the permission for signer.
  • request.signer: The address that can call to on behalf of the ipAccount.
  • The address that can be called by the signer (currently only modules can be to)
  • request.permission: The new permission level.
  • request.func: [Optional] The function selector string of to that can be called by the signer on behalf of the ipAccount. By default, it allows all functions.
  • request.deadline: [Optional] The deadline for the signature in milliseconds, default is 1000ms.
  • request.txOptions: [Optional] The transaction options.
export type SetPermissionsResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  success?: boolean;


Sets permission to a signer for all functions across all modules.

setAllPermissions(request: SetAllPermissionsRequest) => Promise<SetPermissionsResponse>


  • request.ipId: The IP ID that grants the permission for signer.
  • request.signer: The address of the signer receiving the permissions.
  • request.permission: The new permission.
  • request.txOptions: [Optional] The transaction options.
export type SetPermissionsResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  success?: boolean;


Sets a batch of permissions in a single transaction.

setBatchPermissions(request: SetBatchPermissionsRequest) => Promise<SetPermissionsResponse>


  • request.permissions[]: An array of Permission structure, each representing the permission to be set.
    • request.permissions[].ipId: The IP ID that grants the permission for signer.
    • request.permissions[].signer: The address that can call to on behalf of the ipAccount.
    • request.permissions[].to: The address that can be called by the signer (currently only modules can be to)
    • request.permissions[].permission: The new permission level.
    • request.permissions[].func: [Optional] The function selector string of to that can be called by the signer on behalf of the ipAccount. By default, it allows all functions.
  • request.deadline: [Optional] The deadline for the signature in milliseconds, default is 1000ms.
  • request.txOptions: [Optional] The transaction options.
export type SetPermissionsResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  success?: boolean;


Sets a batch of permissions in a single transaction with signature.

createBatchPermissionSignature(request: CreateBatchPermissionSignatureRequest) => Promise<SetPermissionsResponse>


  • request.ipId: The IP ID that grants the permission for signer
  • request.permissions[] - An array of Permission structure, each representing the permission to be set.
    • request.permissions[].ipId: The IP ID that grants the permission for signer.
    • request.permissions[].signer: The address that can call to on behalf of the ipAccount.
    • request.permissions[].to: The address that can be called by the signer (currently only modules can be to)
    • request.permissions[].permission: The new permission level.
    • request.permissions[].func: [Optional] The function selector string of to that can be called by the signer on behalf of the ipAccount. By default, it allows all functions.
  • request.txOptions: [Optional] The transaction options.
export type SetPermissionsResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  success?: boolean;