⚙️ Smart Contracts

For smart contract developers who wish to build on top of Story directly.

In this section, we will briefly go over the protocol contracts and then guide you through how to start building on top of the protocol. If you haven't yet familiarized yourself with the overall architecture, we recommend first going over the Overview section.


Our contracts are undergoing audits.

The v1 release of our "Proof-of-Creativity Protocol" is currently undergoing audits, which means that we could change the smart contracts at any time without warning to address the audit findings. When the contracts are fully audited, we will remove this warning and ensure regular updates to this document with formal notice.

Smart Contract Tutorial

Completed Code

Skip the tutorial and view the completed code here. Follow the README instructions to run the tests, or go to the /test folder to view all of the example contracts.

If you want to set things up from scratch, then continue with the following tutorials, starting with the Setup Your Own Project step.

Our Smart Contracts

As of the current version, our Proof-of-Creativity Protocol is compatible with all EVM chains and is written as a set of Smart Contracts in Solidity. There are two repositories that you may interact with as a developer:

Deploy & Verify Contracts on Story

The approach to deploy & verify contracts comes from theBlockscout official documentation.

Verify a contract with Blockscout right after deployment (make sure you add "/api/" to the end of the Blockscout homepage explorer URL):

forge create \
  --rpc-url <rpc_https_endpoint> \
  --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
  <contract_file>:<contract_name> \
  --verify \
  --verifier blockscout \
  --verifier-url <blockscout_homepage_explorer_url>/api/

Or if using foundry scripts:

forge script <script_file> \
  --rpc-url <rpc_https_endpoint> \
  --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
  --broadcast \
  --verify \
  --verifier blockscout \
  --verifier-url <blockscout_homepage_explorer_url>/api/