The ancestors vault allows parents and grandparents to claim their share of
the royalty nfts of their children and grandchildren along with any accrued royalties.
contract IRoyaltyPolicyLAP ROYALTY_POLICY_LAP
The liquid split royalty policy address
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) isClaimed
Indicates if a given ancestor address has already claimed
constructor(address royaltyPolicyLAP) public
function claim(address ipId, address claimerIpId, address[] ancestors, uint32[] ancestorsRoyalties, bool withdrawETH, contract ERC20[] tokens) external
Claims all available royalty nfts and accrued royalties for an ancestor of a given ipId
Name | Type | Description |
ipId | address | The ipId of the ancestors vault to claim from |
claimerIpId | address | The claimer ipId is the ancestor address that wants to claim |
ancestors | address[] | The ancestors for the selected ipId |
ancestorsRoyalties | uint32[] | The royalties of the ancestors for the selected ipId |
withdrawETH | bool | Indicates if the claimer wants to withdraw ETH |
tokens | contract ERC20[] | The ERC20 tokens to withdraw |
function _transferRnftsAndAccruedTokens(address claimerIpId, address splitClone, address[] ancestors, uint32[] ancestorsRoyalties, bool withdrawETH, contract ERC20[] tokens) internal
Transfers the Royalty NFTs and accrued tokens to the claimer
Name | Type | Description |
claimerIpId | address | The claimer ipId |
splitClone | address | The split clone address |
ancestors | address[] | The ancestors of the IP |
ancestorsRoyalties | uint32[] | The royalties of each of the ancestors |
withdrawETH | bool | Indicates if the claimer wants to withdraw ETH |
tokens | contract ERC20[] | The ERC20 tokens to withdraw |
function _claimAccruedTokens(uint256 rnftClaimAmount, uint256 totalUnclaimedRnfts, address claimerSplitClone, bool withdrawETH, contract ERC20[] tokens) internal
Claims the accrued tokens (if any)
Name | Type | Description |
rnftClaimAmount | uint256 | The amount of rnfts to claim |
totalUnclaimedRnfts | uint256 | The total unclaimed rnfts |
claimerSplitClone | address | The claimer's split clone |
withdrawETH | bool | Indicates if the claimer wants to withdraw ETH |
tokens | contract ERC20[] | The ERC20 tokens to withdraw |
function _safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 amount) internal
Allows to transfers ETH
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | The address to transfer to |
amount | uint256 | The amount to transfer |
Updated about 1 month ago