Registry of License NFTs, which represent licenses granted by IP ID licensors to create derivative IPs.
string name
Name of the License NFT
string symbol
Symbol of the License NFT
contract ILicensingModule LICENSING_MODULE
Returns the canonical protocol-wide LicensingModule
contract IDisputeModule DISPUTE_MODULE
Returns the canonical protocol-wide DisputeModule
modifier onlyLicensingModule()
We have to implement this modifier instead of inheritingLicensingModuleAware
because LicensingModule
constructor requires the licenseRegistry address, which would create a circular dependency. Thus, we use the
function setLicensingModule
to set the licensing module address after deploying the module.
constructor(address governance) public
function setDisputeModule(address newDisputeModule) external
Sets the DisputeModule address.
Enforced to be only callable by the protocol admin
Name | Type | Description |
newDisputeModule | address | The address of the DisputeModule |
function setLicensingModule(address newLicensingModule) external
Sets the LicensingModule address.
Enforced to be only callable by the protocol admin
Name | Type | Description |
newLicensingModule | address | The address of the LicensingModule |
function mintLicense(uint256 policyId, address licensorIpId_, bool transferable, uint256 amount, address receiver) external returns (uint256 licenseId)
Mints license NFTs representing a policy granted by a set of ipIds (licensors). This NFT needs to be
burned in order to link a derivative IP with its parents. If this is the first combination of policy and
licensors, a new licenseId will be created. If not, the license is fungible and an id will be reused.
Only callable by the licensing module.
Name | Type | Description |
policyId | uint256 | The ID of the policy to be minted |
licensorIpId_ | address | The ID of the IP granting the license (ie. licensor) |
transferable | bool | True if the license is transferable |
amount | uint256 | Number of licenses to mint. License NFT is fungible for same policy and same licensors |
receiver | address | Receiver address of the minted license NFT(s). |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
licenseId | uint256 | The ID of the minted license NFT(s). |
function burnLicenses(address holder, uint256[] licenseIds) external
Burns licenses
Name | Type | Description |
holder | address | The address that holds the licenses |
licenseIds | uint256[] | The ids of the licenses to burn |
function mintedLicenses() external view returns (uint256)
Returns the number of licenses registered in the protocol.
Token ID counter total count.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | mintedLicenses The number of minted licenses |
function isLicensee(uint256 licenseId, address holder) external view returns (bool)
Returns true if holder has positive balance for the given license ID.
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | isLicensee True if holder is the licensee for the license (owner of the license NFT), or derivative IP owner if the license was added to the IP by linking (burning a license). |
function license(uint256 licenseId) external view returns (struct Licensing.License)
Returns the license data for the given license ID
Name | Type | Description |
licenseId | uint256 | The ID of the license |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct Licensing.License | licenseData The license data |
function licensorIpId(uint256 licenseId) external view returns (address)
Returns the ID of the IP asset that is the licensor of the given license ID
Name | Type | Description |
licenseId | uint256 | The ID of the license |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | address | licensorIpId The ID of the licensor |
function policyIdForLicense(uint256 licenseId) external view returns (uint256)
Returns the policy ID for the given license ID
Name | Type | Description |
licenseId | uint256 | The ID of the license |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | policyId The ID of the policy |
function isLicenseRevoked(uint256 licenseId) public view returns (bool)
Returns true if the license has been revoked (licensor tagged after a dispute in
the dispute module). If the tag is removed, the license is not revoked anymore.
Name | Type | Description |
licenseId | uint256 | The id of the license to check |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | isRevoked True if the license is revoked |
function uri(uint256 id) public view virtual returns (string)
ERC1155 OpenSea metadata JSON representation of the LNFT parameters
Expect PFM.policyToJson to return {'trait_type: 'value'},{'trait_type': 'value'},...,{...}
(last attribute must not have a comma at the end)
function _update(address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values) internal virtual
Pre-hook for ERC1155's_update() called on transfers.
Updated 3 months ago