- payRoyaltyOnBehalf
- claimableRevenue
- claimAllRevenue
- getRoyaltyVaultAddress
Allows the function caller to pay royalties to the receiver IP asset on behalf of the payer IP asset.
Method | Type |
payRoyaltyOnBehalf | (request: PayRoyaltyOnBehalfRequest) => Promise<PayRoyaltyOnBehalfResponse> |
: The ipId that receives the royalties.request.payerIpId
: The ID of the IP asset that pays the royalties.request.token
: The token to use to pay the royalties.request.amount
: The amount to pay.request.txOptions
: [Optional] The transaction options.
import { WIP_TOKEN_ADDRESS } from '@story-protocol/core-sdk'
const payRoyalty = await client.royalty.payRoyaltyOnBehalf({
receiverIpId: "0x0b825D9E5FA196e6B563C0a446e8D9885057f9B1", // child ipId
payerIpId: zeroAddress,
amount: 2,
txOptions: { waitForTransaction: true },
console.log(`Paid royalty at transaction hash ${payRoyalty.txHash}`);
export type PayRoyaltyOnBehalfRequest = {
receiverIpId: Address;
payerIpId: Address;
token: Address;
amount: TokenAmountInput;
} & WithTxOptions & WithWipOptions;
export type PayRoyaltyOnBehalfResponse = {
txHash?: string;
receipt?: TransactionReceipt;
encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
Get total amount of revenue token claimable by a royalty token holder.
Method | Type |
claimableRevenue | (request: ClaimableRevenueRequest) => Promise<ClaimableRevenueResponse> |
: The id of the royalty vault.request.claimer
: The address of the royalty token holder.request.token
: The revenue token to claim.request.txOptions
: [Optional] The transaction options.
export type ClaimableRevenueRequest = {
royaltyVaultIpId: Address;
claimer: Address;
token: Address;
export type ClaimableRevenueResponse = bigint;
Claims all revenue from child IP Assets and/or from your own IP Royalty Vault.
Method | Type |
claimAllRevenue | (request: ClaimAllRevenueRequest) => Promise<ClaimAllRevenueResponse> |
: The address of the ancestor IP from which the revenue is being claimed.request.claimer
: The address of the claimer of the currency (revenue) tokens. This is normally the ipId of the ancestor IP if the IP has all royalty tokens. Otherwise, this would be the address that is holding the ancestor IP royalty tokens.request.childIpIds[]
: The addresses of the child IPs from which royalties are derived.request.royaltyPolicies[]
: The addresses of the royalty policies, where royaltyPolicies[i] governs the royalty flow for childIpIds[i].request.currencyTokens[]
: The addresses of the currency tokens in which royalties will be claimed.request.claimOptions
: [Optional]request.claimOptions.autoTransferAllClaimedTokensFromIp
: [Optional]When enabled, all claimed tokens on the claimer are transferred to the wallet address if the wallet owns the IP. If the wallet is the claimer or if the claimer is not an IP owned by the wallet, then the tokens will not be transferred. Set to false to disable auto transferring claimed tokens from the claimer. Default: truerequest.claimOptions.autoUnwrapIpTokens
: [Optional]By default all claimed WIP tokens are converted back to IP after they are transferred. Set this to false to disable this behavior. Default: false
: [Optional] The transaction options.
import { WIP_TOKEN_ADDRESS } from '@story-protocol/core-sdk'
const claimRevenue = await client.royalty.claimAllRevenue({
// IP Asset 1's (parent) ipId
ancestorIpId: '0x089d75C9b7E441dA3115AF93FF9A855BDdbfe384',
// whoever owns the royalty tokens associated with IP Royalty Vault 1
// (most likely the associated ipId, which is IP Asset 1's ipId)
claimer: '0x089d75C9b7E441dA3115AF93FF9A855BDdbfe384',
currencyTokens: [WIP_TOKEN_ADDRESS],
// IP Asset 2's (child) ipId
childIpIds: ['0xDa03c4B278AD44f5a669e9b73580F91AeDE0E3B2'],
// testnet address of RoyaltyPolicyLAP
royaltyPolicies: ['0xBe54FB168b3c982b7AaE60dB6CF75Bd8447b390E']
console.log(`Claimed revenue: ${claimRevenue.claimedTokens}`);
export type ClaimAllRevenueRequest = {
ancestorIpId: Address;
claimer: Address;
childIpIds: Address[];
royaltyPolicies: Address[];
currencyTokens: Address[];
claimOptions?: {
autoTransferAllClaimedTokensFromIp?: boolean;
autoUnwrapIpTokens?: boolean;
export type ClaimAllRevenueResponse = {
txHashes: Hash[];
receipt?: TransactionReceipt;
claimedTokens?: ClaimedToken[];
export type ClaimedToken = {
token: Address;
amount: bigint;
Get the royalty vault proxy address of given royaltyVaultIpId.
Method | Type |
getRoyaltyVaultAddress | (royaltyVaultIpId: Hex) => Promise<Address> |
: theipId
associated with the royalty vault.
Updated 5 days ago