Claim Revenue
Learn how to claim due revenue from a child IP Asset in TypeScript.
This section demonstrates how to claim due revenue from an IP Asset in TypeScript.
- Setup the client object.
- Understand the πΈ Royalty Module
Claiming Revenue Tokens
As you can probably tell from reading the πΈ Royalty Module docs, there are a few steps involved in claiming revenue from child IP Assets. Obviously, the revenue must first be paid to the child (read Pay an IPA in TypeScript).
The Royalty Module automatically splits the revenue between the child and its ancestors based on the license terms βΆοΈ the revenue tokens must then be transferred from the royalty policy contract to the IPA's IP Royalty Vault βΆοΈ a snapshot must be taken βΆοΈ the tokens can be claimed by whoever owns the associated Royalty Tokens.
To simplify this, the SDK supports a transferToVaultAndSnapshotAndClaimByTokenBatch
function which does all of the above.
const claimRevenue = await client.royalty.transferToVaultAndSnapshotAndClaimByTokenBatch({
ancestorIpId: '0xDa03c4B278AD44f5a669e9b73580F91AeDE0E3B2',
claimer: '0xDa03c4B278AD44f5a669e9b73580F91AeDE0E3B2', // whoever owns the royalty tokens (most likely the associated ipId)
royaltyClaimDetails: [{
childIpId: '0x0b825D9E5FA196e6B563C0a446e8D9885057f9B1',
royaltyPolicy: RoyaltyPolicyLAP, // insert RoyaltyPolicyLAP address from
currencyToken: SUSD, // insert SUSD address from
amount: 1
txOptions: { waitForTransaction: true },
console.log(`Claimed ${claimRevenue.amountsClaimed} revenue at snapshotId ${claimRevenue.snapshotId}`)
export type TransferToVaultAndSnapshotAndClaimByTokenBatchRequest = {
ancestorIpId: Address;
royaltyClaimDetails: RoyaltyClaimDetail[];
claimer?: Address;
txOptions?: TxOptions;
export type TransferToVaultAndSnapshotAndClaimByTokenBatchResponse = {
txHash?: string;
encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
snapshotId?: bigint;
amountsClaimed?: bigint;
Updated about 2 months ago