Resolver used for returning values associated with keys. This is the
preferred approach for adding additional attribution to IP that the
IP originator thinks is beneficial to have on chain.
mapping(address => mapping(string => string)) _values
Stores key-value pairs associated with each IP.
function setValue(address ipId, string key, string val) external virtual
Sets the string value for a specified key of an IP ID.
Enforced to be only callable by users with valid permission to call on behalf of the ipId.
Name | Type | Description |
ipId | address | The canonical identifier of the IP asset. |
key | string | The string parameter key to update. |
val | string | The value to set for the specified key. |
function value(address ipId, string key) external view virtual returns (string)
Retrieves the string value associated with a key for an IP asset.
Name | Type | Description |
ipId | address | |
key | string | The string parameter key to query. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | string | value The value associated with the specified key. |
function supportsInterface(bytes4 id) public view virtual returns (bool)
IERC165 interface support.
Updated 2 months ago