Using an Example
Combine all of our tutorials together in a practical example.
Completed Code
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Video Walkthrough
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Writing the Smart Contract
Now that we have walked through each of the individual steps, let's try to write, deploy, and verify our own smart contract.
Register IPA, Register License Terms, and Attach to IPA
In this first section, we will combine a few of the tutorials into one. We will create a function named mintAndRegisterAndCreateTermsAndAttach
that allows you to mint & register a new IP Asset, register new License Terms, and attach those terms to an IP Asset. It will also accept a receiver
field to be the owner of the new IP Asset.
⚠️ Prerequisites
- Complete Register an IP Asset
- Complete Register License Terms
- Complete Attach Terms to an IPA
Writing our Contract
Create a new file under ./src/Example.sol
and paste the following:
Contract Addresses
In order to get the contract addresses to pass in the constructor, go to Deployed Smart Contracts.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import { IIPAssetRegistry } from "@storyprotocol/core/interfaces/registries/IIPAssetRegistry.sol";
import { ILicensingModule } from "@storyprotocol/core/interfaces/modules/licensing/ILicensingModule.sol";
import { IPILicenseTemplate } from "@storyprotocol/core/interfaces/modules/licensing/IPILicenseTemplate.sol";
import { PILFlavors } from "@storyprotocol/core/lib/PILFlavors.sol";
import { SimpleNFT } from "./mocks/SimpleNFT.sol";
import { ERC721Holder } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/utils/ERC721Holder.sol";
/// @notice An example contract that demonstrates how to mint an NFT, register it as an IP Asset,
/// attach license terms to it, mint a license token from it, and register it as a derivative of the parent.
contract Example is ERC721Holder {
IIPAssetRegistry public immutable IP_ASSET_REGISTRY;
ILicensingModule public immutable LICENSING_MODULE;
IPILicenseTemplate public immutable PIL_TEMPLATE;
address public immutable ROYALTY_POLICY_LAP;
address public immutable WIP;
SimpleNFT public immutable SIMPLE_NFT;
address ipAssetRegistry,
address licensingModule,
address pilTemplate,
address royaltyPolicyLAP,
address wip
) {
IP_ASSET_REGISTRY = IIPAssetRegistry(ipAssetRegistry);
LICENSING_MODULE = ILicensingModule(licensingModule);
PIL_TEMPLATE = IPILicenseTemplate(pilTemplate);
WIP = wip;
// Create a new Simple NFT collection
SIMPLE_NFT = new SimpleNFT("Simple IP NFT", "SIM");
/// @notice Mint an NFT, register it as an IP Asset, and attach License Terms to it.
/// @param receiver The address that will receive the NFT/IPA.
/// @return tokenId The token ID of the NFT representing ownership of the IPA.
/// @return ipId The address of the IP Account.
/// @return licenseTermsId The ID of the license terms.
function mintAndRegisterAndCreateTermsAndAttach(
address receiver
) external returns (uint256 tokenId, address ipId, uint256 licenseTermsId) {
// We mint to this contract so that it has permissions
// to attach license terms to the IP Asset.
// We will later transfer it to the intended `receiver`
tokenId =;
ipId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.register(block.chainid, address(SIMPLE_NFT), tokenId);
// register license terms so we can attach them later
licenseTermsId = PIL_TEMPLATE.registerLicenseTerms(
mintingFee: 0,
commercialRevShare: 10 * 10 ** 6, // 10%
royaltyPolicy: ROYALTY_POLICY_LAP,
currencyToken: WIP
// attach the license terms to the IP Asset
LICENSING_MODULE.attachLicenseTerms(ipId, address(PIL_TEMPLATE), licenseTermsId);
// transfer the NFT to the receiver so it owns the IPA
SIMPLE_NFT.transferFrom(address(this), receiver, tokenId);
Mint a License Token and Register as Derivative
In this next section, we will combine a few of the later tutorials into one. We will create a function named mintLicenseTokenAndRegisterDerivative
that allows a potentially different user to register their own "child" (derivative) IP Asset, mint a License Token from the "parent" (root) IP Asset, and register their child IPA as a derivative of the parent IPA. It will accept a few parameters:
: theipId
of the parent IPAlicenseTermsId
: the id of the License Terms you want to mint a License Token forreceiver
: the owner of the child IPA
⚠️ Prerequisites
- Complete Mint a License Token
- Complete Register a Derivative
Writing our Contract
In your Example.sol
contract, add the following function at the bottom:
/// @notice Mint and register a new child IPA, mint a License Token
/// from the parent, and register it as a derivative of the parent.
/// @param parentIpId The ipId of the parent IPA.
/// @param licenseTermsId The ID of the license terms you will
/// mint a license token from.
/// @param receiver The address that will receive the NFT/IPA.
/// @return childTokenId The token ID of the NFT representing ownership of the child IPA.
/// @return childIpId The address of the child IPA.
function mintLicenseTokenAndRegisterDerivative(
address parentIpId,
uint256 licenseTermsId,
address receiver
) external returns (uint256 childTokenId, address childIpId) {
// We mint to this contract so that it has permissions
// to register itself as a derivative of another
// IP Asset.
// We will later transfer it to the intended `receiver`
childTokenId =;
childIpId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.register(block.chainid, address(SIMPLE_NFT), childTokenId);
// mint a license token from the parent
uint256 licenseTokenId = LICENSING_MODULE.mintLicenseTokens({
licensorIpId: parentIpId,
licenseTemplate: address(PIL_TEMPLATE),
licenseTermsId: licenseTermsId,
amount: 1,
// mint the license token to this contract so it can
// use it to register as a derivative of the parent
receiver: address(this),
royaltyContext: "", // for PIL, royaltyContext is empty string
maxMintingFee: 0,
maxRevenueShare: 0
uint256[] memory licenseTokenIds = new uint256[](1);
licenseTokenIds[0] = licenseTokenId;
// register the new child IPA as a derivative
// of the parent
childIpId: childIpId,
licenseTokenIds: licenseTokenIds,
royaltyContext: "", // empty for PIL
maxRts: 0
// transfer the NFT to the receiver so it owns the child IPA
SIMPLE_NFT.transferFrom(address(this), receiver, childTokenId);
Testing our Contract
Create another new file under test/Example.t.sol
and paste the following:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
// for testing purposes only
import { MockIPGraph } from "@storyprotocol/test/mocks/MockIPGraph.sol";
import { IIPAssetRegistry } from "@storyprotocol/core/interfaces/registries/IIPAssetRegistry.sol";
import { ILicenseRegistry } from "@storyprotocol/core/interfaces/registries/ILicenseRegistry.sol";
import { Example } from "../src/Example.sol";
import { SimpleNFT } from "../src/mocks/SimpleNFT.sol";
// Run this test:
// forge test --fork-url --match-path test/Example.t.sol
contract ExampleTest is Test {
address internal alice = address(0xa11ce);
address internal bob = address(0xb0b);
// For addresses, see
// Protocol Core - IPAssetRegistry
address internal ipAssetRegistry = 0x77319B4031e6eF1250907aa00018B8B1c67a244b;
// Protocol Core - LicenseRegistry
address internal licenseRegistry = 0x529a750E02d8E2f15649c13D69a465286a780e24;
// Protocol Core - LicensingModule
address internal licensingModule = 0x04fbd8a2e56dd85CFD5500A4A4DfA955B9f1dE6f;
// Protocol Core - PILicenseTemplate
address internal pilTemplate = 0x2E896b0b2Fdb7457499B56AAaA4AE55BCB4Cd316;
// Protocol Core - RoyaltyPolicyLAP
address internal royaltyPolicyLAP = 0xBe54FB168b3c982b7AaE60dB6CF75Bd8447b390E;
// Revenue Token - WIP
address internal wip = 0x1514000000000000000000000000000000000000;
SimpleNFT public SIMPLE_NFT;
Example public EXAMPLE;
function setUp() public {
// this is only for testing purposes
// due to our IPGraph precompile not being
// deployed on the fork
vm.etch(address(0x0101), address(new MockIPGraph()).code);
EXAMPLE = new Example(ipAssetRegistry, licensingModule, pilTemplate, royaltyPolicyLAP, wip);
function test_mintAndRegisterAndCreateTermsAndAttach() public {
ILicenseRegistry LICENSE_REGISTRY = ILicenseRegistry(licenseRegistry);
IIPAssetRegistry IP_ASSET_REGISTRY = IIPAssetRegistry(ipAssetRegistry);
uint256 expectedTokenId = SIMPLE_NFT.nextTokenId();
address expectedIpId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.ipId(block.chainid, address(SIMPLE_NFT), expectedTokenId);
(uint256 tokenId, address ipId, uint256 licenseTermsId) = EXAMPLE.mintAndRegisterAndCreateTermsAndAttach(alice);
assertEq(tokenId, expectedTokenId);
assertEq(ipId, expectedIpId);
assertEq(SIMPLE_NFT.ownerOf(tokenId), alice);
assertTrue(LICENSE_REGISTRY.hasIpAttachedLicenseTerms(ipId, pilTemplate, licenseTermsId));
assertEq(LICENSE_REGISTRY.getAttachedLicenseTermsCount(ipId), 1);
(address licenseTemplate, uint256 attachedLicenseTermsId) = LICENSE_REGISTRY.getAttachedLicenseTerms({
ipId: ipId,
index: 0
assertEq(licenseTemplate, pilTemplate);
assertEq(attachedLicenseTermsId, licenseTermsId);
function test_mintLicenseTokenAndRegisterDerivative() public {
ILicenseRegistry LICENSE_REGISTRY = ILicenseRegistry(licenseRegistry);
IIPAssetRegistry IP_ASSET_REGISTRY = IIPAssetRegistry(ipAssetRegistry);
(uint256 parentTokenId, address parentIpId, uint256 licenseTermsId) = EXAMPLE
(uint256 childTokenId, address childIpId) = EXAMPLE.mintLicenseTokenAndRegisterDerivative(
assertTrue(LICENSE_REGISTRY.isParentIp(parentIpId, childIpId));
assertEq(LICENSE_REGISTRY.getDerivativeIpCount(parentIpId), 1);
assertEq(LICENSE_REGISTRY.getParentIpCount(childIpId), 1);
assertEq(LICENSE_REGISTRY.getParentIp({ childIpId: childIpId, index: 0 }), parentIpId);
assertEq(LICENSE_REGISTRY.getDerivativeIp({ parentIpId: parentIpId, index: 0 }), childIpId);
Run forge build
. If everything is successful, the command should successfully compile.
To test this out, simply run the following command:
forge test --fork-url --match-path test/Example.t.sol
Deploy & Verify the Example Contract
The --constructor-args
come from Deployed Smart Contracts.
forge create \
--rpc-url \
--private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
./src/Example.sol:Example \
--verify \
--verifier blockscout \
--verifier-url \
--constructor-args 0x77319B4031e6eF1250907aa00018B8B1c67a244b 0x04fbd8a2e56dd85CFD5500A4A4DfA955B9f1dE6f 0x2E896b0b2Fdb7457499B56AAaA4AE55BCB4Cd316 0xBe54FB168b3c982b7AaE60dB6CF75Bd8447b390E 0xF2104833d386a2734a4eB3B8ad6FC6812F29E38E
If everything worked correctly, you should see something like Deployed to: 0xfb0923D531C1ca54AB9ee10CB8364b23d0C7F47d
in the console. Paste that address into the explorer and see your verified contract!
Great job! :)
Updated 6 days ago