Register an IP Asset in React

This section demonstrates how to register an IP Asset using the React SDK. There are generally two methods of IP registration:

  1. Register an existing NFT as an IP Asset
  2. Create an NFT and register it as an IP Asset in one transaction


Register an Existing NFT as an IP Asset

You can register your NFT as an IP Asset by simply calling register() and passing in the token's contract address and token ID, like so:


Default License Terms

Note that every single IP Asset registered on Story automatically has Non-Commercial Social Remixing License Terms attached to it.

If it's a root IP Asset (meaning it has no more parents), you can attach more License Terms to it later. Please see Attach Terms to an IP Asset in React for more info.

import { toHex } from 'viem';
import { useIpAsset } from "@story-protocol/react-sdk";

export default async function RegisterIPA() {
  const { register } = useIpAsset();
  const response = await register({
    nftContract: "0xd516482bef63Ff19Ed40E4C6C2e626ccE04e19ED", // your NFT contract address
    tokenId: "12", // your NFT token ID
    ipMetadata: {
      ipMetadataURI: 'test-uri',
      ipMetadataHash: toHex('test-metadata-hash', { size: 32 }),
      nftMetadataHash: toHex('test-nft-metadata-hash', { size: 32 }),
      nftMetadataURI: 'test-nft-uri',
    txOptions: { waitForTransaction: true }
    `Root IPA created at tx hash ${response.txHash}, IPA ID: ${response.ipId}`
  return (
    {/* */} 
export type RegisterRequest = {
  nftContract: Address;
  tokenId: string | number | bigint;
  deadline?: string | number | bigint;
} & IpMetadataAndTxOption;

type IpMetadataAndTxOption = {
  ipMetadata?: {
    ipMetadataURI?: string;
    ipMetadataHash?: Hex;
    nftMetadataURI?: string;
    nftMetadataHash?: Hex;
  txOptions?: TxOptions;
export type RegisterIpResponse = {
  txHash?: string;
  encodedTxData?: EncodedTxData;
  ipId?: Address;

ℹ️ If the provided tokenId from the nftContract has already been registered, the response object will contain the ipId of the existing IP Asset and an undefined txHash.

Setting waitForTransaction: true in the transaction options will return the ipId of the newly registered IP asset.

After we run the above code, the console output will look like:

Root IPA created at transaction hash 0xa3e1caa7c2124b1550d459abc739291cb1be77ac73b99c097707878ac4ef57ae,
IPA ID: 0x4c1f8c1035a8cE379dd4ed666758Fb29696CF721

Create an NFT and Register it as an IP Asset

To mint an NFT and register it as an IP Asset all in one transaction, you can use the mintAndRegisterIpAssetWithPilTerms function provided by the SPG here.