Mint a License Token for an IP Asset
In this section, we will go through how you can programmatically generate a License Token, which in the context of Story Protocol refers to an NFT representing the permissions to create a derivative (or "remix") of an originating IP Asset. These License Tokens can then be burned to have your IP be registered as a derivative IP Asset, which will be covered on the next page. Note that, in some cases, you don't need any License Tokens to remix an IPA.
Creating a License Token is a straightforward process. It simply requires identification of an originating IPA and one of its attached license terms that will be used to mint the license token (to see an example of License Terms working, refer to Adding a Selected License Terms to an IPA.
In the below code, we go over how Alice (IPA owner) can mint 2 Non-commercial Social Remixing license tokens for Bob. (This section assumes that you have SimpleNFT.sol
and the development environment setup from previous sections.)
Creating a contract to mint a License Token
This section assumes that you have SimpleNFT.sol
and the development environment setup from previous pages.
Create a new file under ./src/IPALicenseToken.sol
and paste the following:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
import { IPAssetRegistry } from "@storyprotocol/core/registries/IPAssetRegistry.sol";
import { LicensingModule } from "@storyprotocol/core/modules/licensing/LicensingModule.sol";
import { PILicenseTemplate } from "@storyprotocol/core/modules/licensing/PILicenseTemplate.sol";
import { SimpleNFT } from "./SimpleNFT.sol";
/// @notice Mint a License Token from Programmable IP License Terms attached to an IP Account.
contract IPALicenseToken {
IPAssetRegistry public immutable IP_ASSET_REGISTRY;
LicensingModule public immutable LICENSING_MODULE;
PILicenseTemplate public immutable PIL_TEMPLATE;
SimpleNFT public immutable SIMPLE_NFT;
constructor(address ipAssetRegistry, address licensingModule, address pilTemplate) {
IP_ASSET_REGISTRY = IPAssetRegistry(ipAssetRegistry);
LICENSING_MODULE = LicensingModule(licensingModule);
PIL_TEMPLATE = PILicenseTemplate(pilTemplate);
// Create a new Simple NFT collection
SIMPLE_NFT = new SimpleNFT("Simple IP NFT", "SIM");
function mintLicenseToken(
uint256 ltAmount,
address ltRecipient
) external returns (address ipId, uint256 tokenId, uint256 startLicenseTokenId) {
// First, mint an NFT and register it as an IP Account.
// Note that first we mint the NFT to this contract for ease of attaching license terms.
// We will transfer the NFT to the msg.sender at last.
tokenId =;
ipId = IP_ASSET_REGISTRY.register(block.chainid, address(SIMPLE_NFT), tokenId);
// Then, attach a selection of license terms from the PILicenseTemplate, which is already registered.
// Note that licenseTermsId = 2 is a Non-Commercial Social Remixing (NSCR) license.
// Read more about NSCR:
LICENSING_MODULE.attachLicenseTerms(ipId, address(PIL_TEMPLATE), 2);
// Then, mint a License Token from the attached license terms.
// Note that the License Token is minted to the ltRecipient.
startLicenseTokenId = LICENSING_MODULE.mintLicenseTokens({
licensorIpId: ipId,
licenseTemplate: address(PIL_TEMPLATE),
licenseTermsId: 2,
amount: ltAmount,
receiver: ltRecipient,
royaltyContext: "" // for PIL, royaltyContext is empty string
// Finally, transfer the NFT to the msg.sender.
SIMPLE_NFT.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, tokenId);
Now, run the following command:
forge build
If everything is successful, the command should successfully compile. We can now test the contract.
Testing our contract
Create another new file under ./test/IPALicenseToken.t.sol
and paste the following:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import { LicenseToken } from "@storyprotocol/core/LicenseToken.sol";
import { IPAssetRegistry } from "@storyprotocol/core/registries/IPAssetRegistry.sol";
import { IPALicenseToken } from "../src/IPALicenseToken.sol";
import { SimpleNFT } from "../src/SimpleNFT.sol";
contract IPALicenseTokenTest is Test {
address internal alice = address(0xa11ce);
address internal bob = address(0xb0b);
// Protocol Core v1 addresses
// (see
address internal ipAssetRegistryAddr = 0xd43fE0d865cb5C26b1351d3eAf2E3064BE3276F6;
address internal licensingModuleAddr = 0xe89b0EaA8a0949738efA80bB531a165FB3456CBe;
address internal licenseTokenAddr = 0x1333c78A821c9a576209B01a16dDCEF881cAb6f2;
address internal pilTemplateAddr = 0x260B6CB6284c89dbE660c0004233f7bB99B5edE7;
IPAssetRegistry public ipAssetRegistry;
LicenseToken public licenseToken;
IPALicenseToken public ipaLicenseToken;
SimpleNFT public simpleNft;
function setUp() public {
ipAssetRegistry = IPAssetRegistry(ipAssetRegistryAddr);
licenseToken = LicenseToken(licenseTokenAddr);
ipaLicenseToken = new IPALicenseToken(ipAssetRegistryAddr, licensingModuleAddr, pilTemplateAddr);
simpleNft = SimpleNFT(ipaLicenseToken.SIMPLE_NFT());
vm.label(address(ipAssetRegistryAddr), "IPAssetRegistry");
vm.label(address(licensingModuleAddr), "LicensingModule");
vm.label(address(licenseTokenAddr), "LicenseToken");
vm.label(address(pilTemplateAddr), "PILicenseTemplate");
vm.label(address(simpleNft), "SimpleNFT");
vm.label(address(0x000000006551c19487814612e58FE06813775758), "ERC6551Registry");
function test_mintLicenseToken() public {
uint256 expectedTokenId = simpleNft.nextTokenId();
address expectedIpId = ipAssetRegistry.ipId(block.chainid, address(simpleNft), expectedTokenId);
(address ipId, uint256 tokenId, uint256 startLicenseTokenId) = ipaLicenseToken.mintLicenseToken({
ltAmount: 2,
ltRecipient: bob
assertEq(ipId, expectedIpId);
assertEq(tokenId, expectedTokenId);
assertEq(simpleNft.ownerOf(tokenId), alice);
assertEq(licenseToken.ownerOf(startLicenseTokenId), bob);
assertEq(licenseToken.ownerOf(startLicenseTokenId + 1), bob);
To test this out, simply run the following command:
forge test --fork-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL
If everything was set up properly, the test should pass!
Updated 4 months ago