This is a migration guide to help you go from v1.2 -> v1.3 of the SDK.

Welcome to the v1.2 -> v1.3 SDK migration guide. Below, you can find the changes you must take to integrate with the v1.3 SDK.

Need 1-on-1 help?

Contact @jacobmtucker on Telegram.



This function now has 3 extra parameters:

  1. maxMintingFee: The maximum minting fee that the caller is willing to pay. If set to 0, then there is no no limit.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 0
  2. maxRevenueShare: The maximum revenue share percentage agreed upon between a child and parent when a child is registering as derivative. Must be between 0 and 100.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100
  3. maxRts: The maximum number of royalty tokens that can be distributed to the external royalty policies. Must be between 0 and 100,000,000.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const response = await client.ipAsset.registerDerivative({
  childIpId: "0x1daAE3197Bc469Cb97B917aa460a12dD95c6627c",
  parentIpIds: ["0xd142822Dc1674154EaF4DDF38bbF7EF8f0D8ECe4"],
  licenseTermsIds: ["1"],
  maxMintingFee: BigInt(0), // disabled
  maxRts: 100_000_000, // default
  maxRevenueShare: 100, // default


The function now has 1 extra parameter:

  1. maxRts: The maximum number of royalty tokens that can be distributed to the external royalty policies. Must be between 0 and 100,000,000.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const response = await client.ipAsset.registerDerivativeWithLicenseTokens({
  childIpId: "0xd142822Dc1674154EaF4DDF38bbF7EF8f0D8ECe4",
  licenseTokenIds: ["1"],
  maxRts: 100_000_000, // default


The function now has 1 extra parameter:

  1. allowDuplicates: Set to true to allow minting an NFT with a duplicate nftMetadataHash.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: true

The function has also modified request.terms to be request.licenseTermsData, which now also takes a licenseConfig as described here.

⚠️ This function will now fail if you do not provide any license terms. For that, just use mintAndRegisterIp instead.


const licenseTerms: LicenseTerms = {
  transferable: true,
  royaltyPolicy: "0x1daAE3197Bc469Cb97B917aa460a12dD95c6627c",
  defaultMintingFee: BigInt(1),
  expiration: BigInt(0),
  commercialUse: true,
  commercialAttribution: false,
  commercializerChecker: zeroAddress,
  commercializerCheckerData: zeroAddress,
  commercialRevShare: 0,
  commercialRevCeiling: BigInt(0),
  derivativesAllowed: true,
  derivativesAttribution: true,
  derivativesApproval: false,
  derivativesReciprocal: true,
  derivativeRevCeiling: BigInt(0),
  currency: "0x1514000000000000000000000000000000000000", // $WIP
  uri: "",

const licensingConfig: LicensingConfig = {
  isSet: false,
  mintingFee: BigInt(0),
  licensingHook: zeroAddress,
  hookData: zeroHash,
  commercialRevShare: 0,
  disabled: false,
  expectMinimumGroupRewardShare: 0,
  expectGroupRewardPool: zeroAddress,

const response = await client.ipAsset.mintAndRegisterIpAssetWithPilTerms({
  spgNftContract: "0x",
  licenseTermsData: [
      terms: licenseTerms,
  allowDuplicates: true,
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "https://",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex("metadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "https://",
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),


The function has modified request.terms to be request.licenseTermsData, which now also takes a licenseConfig as described here.

⚠️ This function will now fail if you do not provide any license terms. For that, just use register instead.


const licenseTerms: LicenseTerms = {
  transferable: true,
  royaltyPolicy: "0x1daAE3197Bc469Cb97B917aa460a12dD95c6627c",
  defaultMintingFee: BigInt(1),
  expiration: BigInt(0),
  commercialUse: true,
  commercialAttribution: false,
  commercializerChecker: zeroAddress,
  commercializerCheckerData: zeroAddress,
  commercialRevShare: 0,
  commercialRevCeiling: BigInt(0),
  derivativesAllowed: true,
  derivativesAttribution: true,
  derivativesApproval: false,
  derivativesReciprocal: true,
  derivativeRevCeiling: BigInt(0),
  currency: "0x1514000000000000000000000000000000000000", // $WIP
  uri: "",

const licensingConfig: LicensingConfig = {
  isSet: false,
  mintingFee: BigInt(0),
  licensingHook: zeroAddress,
  hookData: zeroHash,
  commercialRevShare: 0,
  disabled: false,
  expectMinimumGroupRewardShare: 0,
  expectGroupRewardPool: zeroAddress,

const response = await client.ipAsset.registerIpAndAttachPilTerms({
  nftContract: "0x",
  tokenId: "3",
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "https://",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex("metadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "https://",
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),
  licenseTermsData: [
      terms: licenseTerms,


This function now has 3 extra parameters under derivative data:

  1. maxMintingFee: The maximum minting fee that the caller is willing to pay. If set to 0, then there is no no limit.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 0
  2. maxRevenueShare: The maximum revenue share percentage agreed upon between a child and parent when a child is registering as derivative. Must be between 0 and 100.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100
  3. maxRts: The maximum number of royalty tokens that can be distributed to the external royalty policies. Must be between 0 and 100,000,000.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const derivData: DerivativeData = {
  parentIpIds: ["0xd142822Dc1674154EaF4DDF38bbF7EF8f0D8ECe4"],
  licenseTermsIds: ["1"],
  maxMintingFee: BitInt(0), // disabled
  maxRts: 100_000_000, // default
  maxRevenueShare: 100, // default

const response = await client.ipAsset.registerDerivativeIp({
  nftContract: "0x",
  tokenId: "3",
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "https://",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex("metadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "https://",
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),


The function now has 1 extra parameter:

  1. allowDuplicates: Set to true to allow minting an NFT with a duplicate nftMetadataHash.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: true

This function also has 3 extra parameters under derivative data:

  1. maxMintingFee: The maximum minting fee that the caller is willing to pay. If set to 0, then there is no no limit.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 0
  2. maxRevenueShare: The maximum revenue share percentage agreed upon between a child and parent when a child is registering as derivative. Must be between 0 and 100.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100
  3. maxRts: The maximum number of royalty tokens that can be distributed to the external royalty policies. Must be between 0 and 100,000,000.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const derivData: DerivativeData = {
  parentIpIds: ["0xd142822Dc1674154EaF4DDF38bbF7EF8f0D8ECe4"],
  licenseTermsIds: ["1"],
  maxMintingFee: BitInt(0), // disabled
  maxRts: 100_000_000, // default
  maxRevenueShare: 100, // default

const response = await client.ipAsset.mintAndRegisterIpAndMakeDerivative({
  spgNftContract: "0x",
  allowDuplicates: true,
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "https://",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex("metadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "https://",
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),


The function now has 1 extra parameter:

  1. allowDuplicates: Set to true to allow minting an NFT with a duplicate nftMetadataHash.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: true


const response = await client.ipAsset.mintAndRegisterIp({
  spgNftContract: "0x",
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "https://",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex("metadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "https://",
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),
  allowDuplicates: false,


The function has modified request.terms to be request.licenseTermsData, which now also takes a licenseConfig as described here.

⚠️ This function will now fail if you do not provide any license terms. There is no reason you would be providing empty terms anyway.


const licenseTerms: LicenseTerms = {
  transferable: true,
  royaltyPolicy: "0x1daAE3197Bc469Cb97B917aa460a12dD95c6627c",
  defaultMintingFee: BigInt(1),
  expiration: BigInt(0),
  commercialUse: true,
  commercialAttribution: false,
  commercializerChecker: zeroAddress,
  commercializerCheckerData: zeroAddress,
  commercialRevShare: 0,
  commercialRevCeiling: BigInt(0),
  derivativesAllowed: true,
  derivativesAttribution: true,
  derivativesApproval: false,
  derivativesReciprocal: true,
  derivativeRevCeiling: BigInt(0),
  currency: "0x1514000000000000000000000000000000000000", // $WIP
  uri: "",

const licensingConfig: LicensingConfig = {
  isSet: false,
  mintingFee: BigInt(0),
  licensingHook: zeroAddress,
  hookData: zeroHash,
  commercialRevShare: 0,
  disabled: false,
  expectMinimumGroupRewardShare: 0,
  expectGroupRewardPool: zeroAddress,

const response = await client.ipAsset.registerPilTermsAndAttach({
  ipId: "0x",
  licenseTermsData: [
      terms: licenseTerms,


The function now has 2 extra parameters:

  1. allowDuplicates: Set to true to allow minting an NFT with a duplicate nftMetadataHash.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: true
  2. maxRts: The maximum number of royalty tokens that can be distributed to the external royalty policies. Must be between 0 and 100,000,000.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const response = await client.ipAsset.mintAndRegisterIpAndMakeDerivativeWithLicenseTokens({
  spgNftContract: "0x",
  licenseTokenIds: ["12"],
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex(0, { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "",
  recipient: "0x73fcb515cee99e4991465ef586cfe2b072ebb512",
  maxRts: 100_000_000,
  allowDuplicates: true,


The function now has 1 extra parameter:

  1. maxRts: The maximum number of royalty tokens that can be distributed to the external royalty policies. Must be between 0 and 100,000,000.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const response = await client.ipAsset.registerIpAndMakeDerivativeWithLicenseTokens({
  nftContract: "0x",
  maxRts: 100_000_000,
  tokenId: "3",
  licenseTokenIds: ["12"],
  ipMetadata: {
    ipMetadataURI: "",
    ipMetadataHash: toHex(0, { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataHash: toHex("nftMetadata", { size: 32 }),
    nftMetadataURI: "",



The function now has 2 extra parameters:

  1. maxMintingFee: The maximum minting fee that the caller is willing to pay. If set to 0, then there is no no limit.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 0
  2. maxRevenueShare: The maximum revenue share percentage agreed upon between a child and parent when a child is registering as derivative. Must be between 0 and 100.
    1. Recommended for simplicity: 100_000_000


const response = await client.license.mintLicenseTokens({
  licensorIpId: "0x",
  licenseTermsId: "1",
  maxMintingFee: BigInt(0),
  maxRevenueShare: 100,


All of the following functions have been combined into claimAllRevenue:

  • claimRevenue
  • snapshot
  • transferToVaultAndSnapshotAndClaimByTokenBatch
  • transferToVaultAndSnapshotAndClaimBySnapshotBatch
  • snapshotAndClaimByTokenBatch
  • snapshotAndClaimBySnapshotBatch

To learn how to use claimAllRevenue in the SDK, see this page.



The function now has 2 extra parameters:

  1. bond: The bond size.
  2. liveness: The liveness time.

The following parameters have been removed:

  1. data


const response = await client.dispute.raiseDispute({
  targetIpId: "0x1daAE3197Bc469Cb97B917aa460a12dD95c6627c",
  cid: "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR",
  targetTag: "tag",
  bond: 0,
  liveness: 2592000,