Raise a Dispute
Learn how to create an on-chain dispute in TypeScript.
This section demonstrates how to dispute an IP on Story. There are many instances where you may want to dispute an IP - whether that IP is or is not owned by you. Disputing IP on Story is easy thanks to our ❌ Dispute Module and the UMA Arbitration Policy.
Let's say you register a drawing, and then someone else registers that drawing with 1 pixel off. You can dispute it along a IMPROPER_REGISTRATION
tag, which communicates potential plagiarism.
In this tutorial, you will simply learn how to flag an IP as being disputed.
⚠️ Prerequisites
There are a few steps you have to complete before you can start the tutorial.
- Complete the TypeScript SDK Setup
- Have a basic understanding of the ❌ Dispute Module
1. Dispute an IP
To dispute an IP Asset, you will need:
- the
of the IP Asset you are disputing (we use a test one below) - the
that you are applying to the dispute. Only whitelisted tags can be applied. - a
(Content Identifier) is a unique identifier in IPFS that represents the dispute evidence you must provide, as described here (we use a test one below).- ⚠️ Note you can only provide a CID one time. After it is used, it can't be used as evidence again.
Create a main.ts
file and add the code below:
import { client } from './utils'
async function main() {
const disputeResponse = await client.dispute.raiseDispute({
targetIpId: '0x6b42d065aDCDA6fA83B59ad731841360dC5321fB',
// NOTE: you must use your own CID here, because every time it is used,
// the protocol does not allow you to use it again
cid: 'QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR',
// you must pick from one of the whitelisted tags here: https://docs.story.foundation/docs/dispute-module#dispute-tags
bond: 0,
liveness: 2592000,
txOptions: { waitForTransaction: true },
console.log(`Dispute raised at transaction hash ${disputeResponse.txHash}, Dispute ID: ${disputeResponse.disputeId}`)
2. 🏁 View Completed Code
Updated 9 days ago